Ichor on the Ground
Since our founding in 2015, we have had the privilege of partnering and volunteering within the communities where we operate.
Instituto Del Progreso Latino
Ichor's Chicago team joined Instituto Del Progreso Latino's holiday toy drive, gathering 1,000 toys for hundreds of local families, including migrants. Volunteers assisted with wrapping, distribution, and bilingual intake. Families and children eagerly received gifts, adding joy to the festivities. The institute offers education, legal, workforce, and support services to over 10,000 people annually, a vital resource in Chicago's southwest side.
Instituto Del Progeso Latino provides comprehensive education, legal, workforce, and support services to families across the city. The organization is a staple of Chicago’s southwest side and serves over 10,000 people annually.
To donate to Instituto Del Progreso Latino, please visit this link.
RaisingHealth Partners
Ichor’s Brooklyn team supported RaisingHealth Partners at their annual Winter Wonderland event which featured health screenings, toy and food distribution, and community resources. Volunteers supported toy wrapping, bilingual intake, and food and toy distribution.
RaisingHealth provides health services, adult literacy classes, workshops, trainings, and community support services to underserved immigrant populations in New York City. Located in Brooklyn, Raising Health has helped over 150,000 immigrants and other members of underserved communities through culturally competent education, trainings, workshops, and health services.
To donate to RaisingHealth, please visit this link.
Los Angeles
Para Los Niños
Ichor’s Los Angeles team volunteered at Para Los Niños' Annual Felices Fiestas event, which is a holiday resource fair and toy giveaway at their 7th street elementary school located on Skid Row. We set up the resource booths, decorated the Santa Photo Corner and Toy Distribution Booth, and handed out hundreds of toys to our littlest learners in need.
Para Los Niños was founded on Skid Row to provide wraparound services to the children living in nearby shelters or in and out of motels with their parents. Ichor was humbled to serve with the amazing PLN staff and see smiles of joy on the children’s faces!
To donate to Para Los Niños, please visit this link.